Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Salutations! (It Means Hello)

Hello. What an anticlimactic greeting. I think I'll just be random tonight because I am so bored! I also think it is physically impossible for me to blog during the day. It is currently 11:01 pm and I am awake and blogging. I got two new nail polishes today!! Yeah, there's your random-ness...Wanna see? Here is the first (it's Mellow Yellow, f.y.i) . Here is the second (Marine Blue). Yeah, those are links. You click on them. Go ahead, I'll give you a second to marvel at their beauty.....Long enough? Good.

Sooo...how are you? How was your day? I'd like to know...Tell me in a comment. Or on Facebook. I don't care, either way...

Love Always,
Ashley <3

1 comment:

  1. I am fine. Much to do today. Ian gets to go to his very first birthday party and then I have to make dinner for my mom-in-law, and then I have to pack for a trip to Dallas. Blah.

    I do not do my nails (I used to many years ago), so I am not at all sure about yellow. Yellow? All by itself? Okay.
