Monday, June 28, 2010

Sally Hansen: Insta Dri in Lively Lilac

I was turned on to this nail polish by a friend and I love it so much! This is my 5th nail polish of this kind and they have really earned my respect. The color I have on my nails right now is Lively Lilac. I bought mine at Target, but you can get them at H-E-B, C.V.S, etc. and online, too.

For only around $4-5, it is a great purchase. This is totally a nail polish I would recommend to anyone! So fun and easy!!

Ashley <3

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no. You have an Eclipse countdown. Just kidding. I know it's the biggest thing going on right now.

    Sooooo. Fast drying nail polish. I like that idea, but does it chip easily?

    Hope you're having a great summer, Ashley!
