So, here I am, almost midnight, watching Twilight in my room. Yeah, I know, it's probably like the four hundred and seventh time I've seen this movie, but I don't care. It's just a great movie. Some people, they don't really see the whole
draw with these books. For me, this is the best love story since Romeo and Juliet (or something along those lines) and so many people I know feel the same way. The characters are ones you can relate to, even the vampires, and I think that's one factor that everyone loves about it. I am a big fan of the two major book series that are popular right now. One of those would obviously be Twilight (and her 3 siblings) and the other being the Harry Potter books. Both of these are great novels in their own unique way. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Yeah, I thought not. I'm pretty much only writing because I've run out of other things to do...I'm supposed to be reading Macbeth for my Summer Reading List and I am also trying to read Wuthering Heights (just because...PS: it's Bella's fave book). Both of those are mildly confusing so I'm taking a break.
Well, I guess I'll just be getting back to Twilight now. I hear it calling me...that sounds really creepy...