Monday, June 28, 2010

Sally Hansen: Insta Dri in Lively Lilac

I was turned on to this nail polish by a friend and I love it so much! This is my 5th nail polish of this kind and they have really earned my respect. The color I have on my nails right now is Lively Lilac. I bought mine at Target, but you can get them at H-E-B, C.V.S, etc. and online, too.

For only around $4-5, it is a great purchase. This is totally a nail polish I would recommend to anyone! So fun and easy!!

Ashley <3

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Salutations! (It Means Hello)

Hello. What an anticlimactic greeting. I think I'll just be random tonight because I am so bored! I also think it is physically impossible for me to blog during the day. It is currently 11:01 pm and I am awake and blogging. I got two new nail polishes today!! Yeah, there's your random-ness...Wanna see? Here is the first (it's Mellow Yellow, f.y.i) . Here is the second (Marine Blue). Yeah, those are links. You click on them. Go ahead, I'll give you a second to marvel at their beauty.....Long enough? Good. are you? How was your day? I'd like to know...Tell me in a comment. Or on Facebook. I don't care, either way...

Love Always,
Ashley <3

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Twilight :The Phenomenon I Love

So, here I am, almost midnight, watching Twilight in my room. Yeah, I know, it's probably like the four hundred and seventh time I've seen this movie, but I don't care. It's just a great movie. Some people, they don't really see the whole draw with these books. For me, this is the best love story since Romeo and Juliet (or something along those lines) and so many people I know feel the same way. The characters are ones you can relate to, even the vampires, and I think that's one factor that everyone loves about it. I am a big fan of the two major book series that are popular right now. One of those would obviously be Twilight (and her 3 siblings) and the other being the Harry Potter books. Both of these are great novels in their own unique way. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Yeah, I thought not. I'm pretty much only writing because I've run out of other things to do...I'm supposed to be reading Macbeth for my Summer Reading List and I am also trying to read Wuthering Heights (just because...PS: it's Bella's fave book). Both of those are mildly confusing so I'm taking a break.
Well, I guess I'll just be getting back to Twilight now. I hear it calling me...that sounds really creepy...


Sunday, April 4, 2010

No, silly, I'm Not From Brit-Land...I Just Sound Like It

So, apparently I can do a really good British accent...well, according to my mom, that is. I really don't know what a good British accent sounds like, since I don't live in "Brit-land" (what me and best bud Kelsey call England/Britain). Though, when I was at Hallmark in the mall with my mom, a lady that was working the counter was clearly from England. I was, literally, like floored. I LOVED her accent so much. It was almost to the point where I wanted to run up to the woman and tell her just how much I adored her accent. That probably would have freaked her out, though, so I chose not to.

My mom thought it was hilarious, though, when the lady started to talk to me. I was holding two stuffed animals, and she said: "Are you ready to check out?" (or something along those lines, 'cause she had a heavy accent) and I said, "Oh, not quite yet. I'm waiting for my mum, whose over there." Cue me pointing to the gift bag section. I was so wrapped up in listening to her accent that I didn't even realize I was slipping into one myself. Way to go, Ash, way to go.

The moral of this story is: Just stick with the accent you were born with. Odds are: you will mess up in front of someone who actually has that accent, and you'll look like a freak for trying to imitate it. Ugh, sometimes life is just stressful...I'm sure you all understand.

I need sleep. Now.

Love always,

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Not Tonks and the Deathly Hallows, Silly!

I was looking through behind-the-scenes pictures from the filming of the Deathly Hallows (aka the 7th Harry Potter book's movie) and I was sort-of sad. Sure, the pictures were great..and I loved seeing tiny spoilers (because we all know that I am the biggest movie spoiler ever) but there was something missing.

There are no pictures of a certain cute witch who tends to change her hair color quite often and likes to be called "Tonks". Nor were there any pictures of her wolfy counterpart, Remus. It's quite sad for someone who is a die-hard Remus&Tonks fan.

But I as I sat at with my laptop on my lap; I told myself: "Ashley, what is this movie called? Oh, right, it's called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...what did you think it was, Nymphadora Tonks and the Deathly Hallows?!?"

And after that I laughed for a bit, and my Daddy brought me a sweet midnight snack (Little Debbie is my b.f.f. especially after dark). And now I feel like going to sleep. I am liking this blogging thing a lot...let's hope I can stick with it!

Love always,
Ashley <3

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New (and some Old) Favorites

I have babysat for friends twice in this past couple weeks, and I really needed to spend the money. I'm not much of a saver-of-money, and it was burning a hole in my wallet! I had my mum take us by HEB+ on the way home from school on Tuesday and I splurged on some makeup I desperately needed.

First of all, I bought myself a new foundation(slash powder, slash concealer-as the website says) from CoverGirl. It's called: Ultimate Finish: Liquid Powder Makeup. I absolutely love this, and I've been using it for years...siriusly...and yes I misspelled "serious" on purpose...we'll get to that later. Back to the makeup: This is a really good buy, but not as inexpensive as I'd like. It'll cost you around $7 at HEB; but it is worth it. Trust me!...PS: My shade is Classic Ivory, just so you know.

I also bought an E.L.F Powder in Ivory. This is also a favorite of mine that I've been using for quite some time. It works really well with both the included powder puffs, and their total face brush. It has really nice coverage and works well over my foundation, even if they're not the same brand.

I also really, really needed a new blush because mine had bit-the-dust, so to speak. It was really not prepared to hit my face again. I opted to splurge for a good blush, partly because I needed one and partly because I had the money to do so. I ended up buying: Rimmel London blush in Pink Rose- shade 003. This is a really pretty baby-pink color. It works well with all my other makeup and complements my face well. So..its a good buy for me!

Another new item of mine was something that I didn't really need, but thought would it would be good anyways. I bought a Cover Stick by N.Y.C. It's really nice, creamy, and blend-able...which is good. I put this on after the foundation and before the powder, so it hides everything underneath. We shall see if this can stand up to the test of time...and the wear-and-tear of a typical school day.

Okay, back to the "Sirius" comment earlier. One of my absolute, all-time, most amazing, favorite loves of ever and ever has been: HARRY POTTER! I've loved the movies for as long as they've been out and I read the first four books when I was just a 2nd grader! I hadn't really realized just how long it had been since I had left them. I picked up the 6th HP book: The Half-Blood Prince at my local library and skimmed through it quickly. (I just watched the movie, so I sort-of knew what was going to happen.)

But, it wasn't until I began talking with my friends at school about it and reading the 7th book when I finally realized something: I AM AN OBSESSIVE PERSON! It was just like this last summer with Twilight (and it's 3 counterparts) ...but there is just something (forgive me for the pun) magical about these books. I have absolutely fallen in love with them. And like I did with Edward and Bella in Twilight (sometimes Alice and Jasper), I also fell in love with the supporting-character couple of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. I think their whole relationship is really cute!

Anyways, I have to go get ready for Youth now. So I hope I can get on and blog later! Goodbye for now!

Love Always,

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Christmas Items!!!

These two nail polishes are by NYC (aka New York Color). They look so gorgeous and are really low maintenance even with only a few coats.
The eyeshadow is by ELF (aka Eyes Lips Face) and it's called Silver Lining. I haven't exactly gotten a chance to use it yet, but it looked too good to pass up!

Sorry I haven't blogged in forever, everyone!
I'll try to do it more often now!
