Sunday, April 4, 2010

No, silly, I'm Not From Brit-Land...I Just Sound Like It

So, apparently I can do a really good British accent...well, according to my mom, that is. I really don't know what a good British accent sounds like, since I don't live in "Brit-land" (what me and best bud Kelsey call England/Britain). Though, when I was at Hallmark in the mall with my mom, a lady that was working the counter was clearly from England. I was, literally, like floored. I LOVED her accent so much. It was almost to the point where I wanted to run up to the woman and tell her just how much I adored her accent. That probably would have freaked her out, though, so I chose not to.

My mom thought it was hilarious, though, when the lady started to talk to me. I was holding two stuffed animals, and she said: "Are you ready to check out?" (or something along those lines, 'cause she had a heavy accent) and I said, "Oh, not quite yet. I'm waiting for my mum, whose over there." Cue me pointing to the gift bag section. I was so wrapped up in listening to her accent that I didn't even realize I was slipping into one myself. Way to go, Ash, way to go.

The moral of this story is: Just stick with the accent you were born with. Odds are: you will mess up in front of someone who actually has that accent, and you'll look like a freak for trying to imitate it. Ugh, sometimes life is just stressful...I'm sure you all understand.

I need sleep. Now.

Love always,

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Not Tonks and the Deathly Hallows, Silly!

I was looking through behind-the-scenes pictures from the filming of the Deathly Hallows (aka the 7th Harry Potter book's movie) and I was sort-of sad. Sure, the pictures were great..and I loved seeing tiny spoilers (because we all know that I am the biggest movie spoiler ever) but there was something missing.

There are no pictures of a certain cute witch who tends to change her hair color quite often and likes to be called "Tonks". Nor were there any pictures of her wolfy counterpart, Remus. It's quite sad for someone who is a die-hard Remus&Tonks fan.

But I as I sat at with my laptop on my lap; I told myself: "Ashley, what is this movie called? Oh, right, it's called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...what did you think it was, Nymphadora Tonks and the Deathly Hallows?!?"

And after that I laughed for a bit, and my Daddy brought me a sweet midnight snack (Little Debbie is my b.f.f. especially after dark). And now I feel like going to sleep. I am liking this blogging thing a lot...let's hope I can stick with it!

Love always,
Ashley <3